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Permanent magnet lifter NdFeB magnet price drop

   NdFeB magnet is a high-performance permanent magnet material, which is widely used in various fields, such as new energy vehicles, green energy, microelectronic equipment, etc. In recent years, with the development of the global economy and the advancement of technology, the demand for NdFeB magnets has continued to grow, and the price has also fluctuated.

  1. Resource supply affects price

  2.  International political factors affect prices

  3. Industry development drives prices

 4. Price prediction

The price of NdFeB magnets is affected by many factors and has certain volatility. In the short term, with the recovery of the global economy and the development of green industries, the demand for NdFeB magnets will maintain a growth momentum, and prices are expected to continue to rise. However, in the long run, with the development of rare earth resources and the research of alternative materials, the price of NdFeB magnets may gradually stabilize.



Contact: Rainie

Phone: 86-15268385214

Tel: 86-15268385214

Email: Rainie@yingerhoist.com

Add: No4750 Dongfeng West Street,Weicheng District,Weifang,Shandong China

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